Q & A
Q: Do you offer free estimates?
A: Yes! we do offer free estimates with a full breakdown of our scope of work.
Q: Do you have references?
A: Yes! We offer a long list of homeowners and custom builders who would love to tell you their experience of working with us.
Q: Do you offer workmanship warranty?
A: Yes! We offer a one-year standard limited warranty on all of our labor.
Q: Why should I paint my home?
A: Painting you home will help you retain, or up your home value.
Q: When should i paint my home?
A: Some signs of paint failing are chalking, cracking, soaking in moisture, pealing flaking, loss of color retention are some signs of your paint failing.
Q: How would you tackle my project?
A: We accommodate to our client’s needs, because every home is unique in its own way this allows our client to have an input, in case of any special requirements.
Q: What areas do you specialize in?
A: We specialize in full-interior and full exterior painting.